
Stability in an Ever-Changing World

It’s been said in life, one thing is certain: change. Change is a constant we experience on a personal level every day—in our relationships, jobs and our health. Take a broader view and we observe that the instability in the world around us is also a constantly shifting landscape. We don’t need to look too hard to see that politics, the economy and weather are also subject to changes that affect us. Even the mountains, which seem unmovable, erode over time. All of this is nothing new because since the garden of Eden our lives and the whole of Creation have been marked by change.

With all this instability, it’s natural for us to seek after security. However, because of sin, we often look for stability in the wrong places—whether it’s our possessions, status, or our relationships. While these things may offer temporary comfort, they are a part of this world that is constantly changing. As much as we want them to remain constant, attempting to rely on things that are changeable themselves will eventually disappoint us.

If we want true stability, we must look to the Creator, not His creation. Scripture tells us that while everything around us may change, God remains unchanging. Malachi 3:6 declares, “For I am the Lord, I change not” This is a powerful promise for us to hold to. Just as God remained faithful to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the people of Israel, He is faithful to us today. Despite our failures and shortcomings, God keeps His promises because His character is steadfast.

I like how the Westminster Shorter Catechism reminds us that God is “unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.” He does not grow weary, nor does He grow stronger—He is perfect, complete, and unchanging. This immutability is both a warning to those who resist repentance and a great comfort to those who trust in Him. God will not overlook sin, but He also will not fail to forgive those who come to Him with repentant hearts.

Isaiah 55:6-7 says, "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon."
In this fallen world, where change often brings uncertainty and fear, we can find peace in Christ. The One who never changes has promised to never leave or forsake us. As Psalm 46 reminds us, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” When we feel overwhelmed by the changes around us, God's Word tells us that He changes not...“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever ” (Heb. 13:8).

Lord, we pause in our busy lives to thank You for Your steadfast love and faithfulness. I pray for my brothers and sisters to hold fast to You as we ask for wisdom to trust in Your unchanging character. Help us to not seek comfort in the uncertain things in this life for only in You can we find true stability, hope, and security. Amen

Credit: Ron Kelley

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