For Christians, both new and seasoned, obedience often stands as the defining test of our commitment to God. Our faith is not just a set of beliefs we profess, but it is lived out in the daily decisions we make, especially when we find ourselves faced with adversity and trials. In these moments, when obedience seems to clash with our desires and understanding, our faith is put to the test.
In Genesis chapter 22, we learn from Abraham, who’s referred to as the father of faith, what it means to obey God in the face of excruciating circumstances. Despite receiving the promise of a long-awaited son, Isaac, Abraham was tested when God instructed him to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. Imagine the turmoil in Abraham's heart as he wrestled with this command. Yet, in the depths of his soul, he clung to his faith in God's promises.
As Abraham journeyed to the appointed mountain with Isaac, every step must have been filled with anguish and uncertainty. Yet, Abraham's faith shone brightly amid the darkness of his trial. He trusted that God would provide, even when the situation seemed impossible. In his obedience, Abraham demonstrated his faith and trust in God by believing that God's purposes were greater than his own understanding. And God intervened and provided another sacrifice because of Abraham’s faith in God’s promises. (Genesis 22:12-13)
Similarly, in our lives, we encounter moments where obedience to God's will feels agonizingly difficult. The temptation to seek the easiest way out, usually based on our own understanding or desire, can be strong. True faith calls us to trust in God's sovereignty, even when it contradicts what we think or desire. It’s in these moments of painful obedience that our faith is refined and strengthened.
We may never face a trial as severe as Abraham's, but the principle remains the same. Whether it's forgiving those who have wronged us, persevering in the face of suffering, or sacrificing our own desires for the sake of others, obedience requires faith. It requires us to believe that God is in control, that His love for us is unwavering, and that obedience will ultimately lead to blessing. God is with you and able to give you strength no matter what you go through. He does not promise that you will not face difficulties or fear. He does promise that He is there and able to get you through it.
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” (Isaiah 41:10).
Today you may be called to navigate a challenge of life that you do not want. Learn from and follow Abraham's example of faith-filled obedience. Trust in God's promises, even when they seem improbable, and obey His commands, even when they seem impossible. For it is in our obedience that our faith is made complete, and it is through our faith that we receive the abundant blessings God has in store for us. I pray this week that you would walk in obedience, trusting in the goodness and faithfulness of our Heavenly Father, knowing that He will never lead us astray.
“But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.” (Luke 11:28)
Credit: Ron Kelley
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